PoolTrac Help
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Below are the option available to manage your Pools.
This is your Pool List. Here you can View, Add, Edit, and Delete your Pools. Pool List page consists of 8 Tabs (General Info, Pool Status, Pool Notes, To Do List, Location & Contact, Equipment, Alerts, and Pool Settings). This is where you will control all aspects on your Pools.
This will display a map with all of your Pools on it that have a set of GPS Coordinates assigned to it.
Pool Account Status will give you the ability to make the Pools Active, Inactive, or Service Suspended all in one location.
Pool Status will give you the ability to Open and Close your Pools all in one location. You can also notify the Customer and Automatically update the New PoolTrac Client App with Automatic Pool Reopening based on a set time.
Pool Alerts is where you view Problems/Alerts submitted by your Users or the various people that may be using the New PoolTrac Client App. These Alerts contain such information as Location, Photo Attachments, Description of the problem and who is Submitting the Alert.
Pool To Do List will be a place where you can View and Add To Do Tasks Items for a specific Pool or create a General To Do List that will show up on the various Mobile devices. These To Do List Tasks will be Downloaded everytime a User opens the Pool Menu on their mobile devices.

Below are the option to help manage your Pool Assignments
This is where you Assign your Pools to the various Users. You can now view your Assigned Pools in 8 different ways. You can have a User List but then you can also have a Monday through Sunday List, allowing you to only see the Pools that matter for you that day.

Pool Assignment Help Screen

This screen is used to Assign Pools to Users:

Step 1: Start by selecting the User you would like to Assign Pools to from the first List on the Left.

Step 2: Then Select which List you would like to View/Edit: User List or Monday - Sunday List from the dropdown list.

Step 3: Select which Pools you would like to assign by Clicking and Dragging & Dropping from the list on the Left to the List on the Right.

Step 4: Once you have selected and ordered the desired Pool List. Then press the "Save Assigned" Button.

Step 5: A List will be displayed, if you are happy with the assignements then press the "Verify and Save" Button.

Step 6: You have now assigned the Selected Pools to that User.

This is where you can Copy Assignments from one list to another or from one Users List to anothers Users Lists.

Pool Assignment Help Screen

This screen is used to Copy Assigned Pools to Users:

Step 1: Start by selecting the 'Source User' to copy the List from.

Step 2: Select the 'Source List' you would like to copy.

Step 3: Choice your 'List Option', either 'Add To List' which will Add the Source User List to the Selected Destination User List or 'Overwrite' which will replace the Destination User List with the Source User List.

Step 4: Select the 'Destination User'.

Step 5: Select the 'Destination List'.

Step 6: Press the 'Verify Copy' button.

Step 7: Press the 'Yes' button to confirm.

Step 8: You have now Copied/Overwriten the Pool Assignmnets.

This is where you can view all of your Pools and who they are assigned to on a Map with colored pins. You can show All Pools or just select one User and their list.
This is where you can Run a report that lists All the Pools and who is assigned to them in one screen. You can Show All Pools or Select a User and see just their pools.
Below are the different type of Records to View
The options below will allow you to view the individual records associated with your pools.
This allows you to see all your Pools in one location and see when a Log Record, Service Call, or Work Order was last run. You can also sort by User and what List (User, Mon-Sun).
This section contains the Check In and Out data for your various Pool Locations. If GPS Coordinates are included you will be able to view those coordinates on Google Maps.
This section contains all of the Service Calls performed at your Pool Locations.
This section contains all of the Work Orders performed at your Pool Locations.
This section contains all of the Log Entries performed at your Pool Locations. You can see all 100+ Data Points collected via the Mobile Device or Webpage.
This section contains Charts of data collected via the Log Entries. You can see PH, Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, Alkalinity, Stabilizer, Calcium Hardness, Pool Temperature, and Saturation Index for both your Main Pool and Wader/Spa.
This section contains the Pool Photo Notes collected at your Pool Locations.
Below are the different type of Archived Records to View
The options below will allow you to view the Records that you have marked as Archived. You can view, email, and restore this records at anytime.
This section contains all of the Archived Service Calls performed at your Pool Locations.
This section contains all of the Archived Work Orders performed at your Pool Locations.
This section contains all of the Archived Log Records performed at your Pool Locations. You can see all 100+ Data Points collected via the Mobile Device or Webpage.
This section contains the Archived Pool Photo Notes collected at your Pool Locations.
These are the different type of Reports to Run
The options below will allow you to create reports that you can export to Word, Excel, PDF, and CSV formats. With the ability to filter by Pool, User, Date, and Type.
This will allow for reports such as what User Checked In and Out per Pool Location or across all locations.
This will allow you to Generate and Filter Reports based on Date, User, or Location for Service Call created by your Users.
This will allow you to Generate and Filter Reports based on Date, User, or Location for Work Order created by your Users.

The Log Records are broke into Four Categories just as they appear in the Apps.
This is a combined Water Chem and Inventory Report for both Main and Wader Pools. It will allow you to see the Chemistry and what was added to the Pool in one report.
This will let you run the Water Chemistry Reports for both the Main Pool and Wader Pools.
This will allow you to Generate and Filter Reports based on Date, User, or Location for Inventory dispensed by your Users.
This will allow you to Generate and Filter Reports based on Date, User, or Location for Facilities Records.
This will allow you to Generate and Filter Reports based on Date, User, or Location for Log Record Services by your Users.

This is the Log Chart section, you can Chart Water Chemistry and Inventory Usage. These charts can be Exported/Saved to JPG Images.
This section contains Charts of data collected via the Log Entries and Inventory Usage. You can see PH, Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, Alkalinity, Stabilizer, Calcium Hardness, Pool Temperature, and Saturation Index for both your Main Pool and Wader/Spa.